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With TagMemo, you can organize all the things you need to do.
TagMemo is very simple! You can organize notes by naming a tag, select several tag names in one note, and tick a checkbox when it is done so you can use it as to-do list organizer! You can share notes by sending an email and Evernote!
Added a new backup function Export Cloud! You can save, send and retrieve your data by using "Gmail" and "Google Drive". Please click Here to check the detailed description.
TagMemo Howto Guide
Added a new backup function Export Cloud!
Menu Button
❶ 「EverNote」:Log-in setting of EverNote.
❷ 「Backup」:
-----Import SD card: Import data from SD card.
-----Export SD card: Export data to SD card.
-----Export Cloud:You can backup data to Google Drive and Dropbox.*Please install either software from the market.
❸ 「Setting」:Set start week and vibration etc...
❹ 「Copy to SD card」:Copy the data to internal and external SD card.
❺ 「Password」:Set a password.
❻ 「Recovery」:Use this function when you want to return to the previous data. *Please note that the current data will be deleted when you use this function.
- **Initial Window**
Add Note: Create a new note.
Note List: Check your note list. Select a note you want to edit.
Tag List: Check your tag folders. When you create a note with a tag name, this tag name will be the tag folder's name. You can drag a folder to change the sorting order.
Search: Search a note with tag name. You can search it with multiple tag names.
Tap“Add Note”tag. Move to“Add Note”window.
- Add Note window.
Tag: Enter a tag name. You can select a tag name from already saved list. Press plus button next to the dialog box, then select a tag name from the list.
Content: Enter the content of the note.
Star icon: Tick this when the note is important to remember.
Icon: You can select an icon for the note.
Save: Save the note.
Del: Delete the note.
- Sample image of entering data.
Tap this plus button to choose multiple tag names from the list.
- Tag name list.
Tap a tag name from the list.
When you want to save a note with multiple tag names, select a name from the list and tap the plus button again.
Tag names will be added here with comma.
Tap“Note List”tag. Move to “Note List” window.
Tag name.
Content of the note.
When you tick the checkbox while creating a note, a star mark will be appeared here in the list.
Tick the checkbox above left, then checkboxes will be displayed in front of every content.
Tick it when it is done so that you can use TagMemo as to-do organizer!
Tap a content that you want to edit.
- A pop-up window will be appeared then select "Edit", "Share" or "Evernote".
”Edit”: Edit the note.
”Share”: Tap when you want to share the note.
”Evernote”: Tap when you want to send the note to Evernote. When the note is successfully uploaded to Evernote, a green square icon with elephant will be displayed next to Evernote button.
- When you tap “Edit” button, move to “Add Note”window to edit.
- When you tap “Share” button, the action list appears. Select the action you want.
Tap“Tag List”tag to move to “Tag List”window.
- Tag List window.
When you save a note with a tag name, the note will be saved in a tag folder with the tag name you created. You can see the list of tag folders in this window.
The red round icon with a number shows the number of notes saved in the folder.
**Drag to change the sorting order of tag folders**
Tap the folder when you want to select an icon for the folder.
The pop-up appears. Tap“Edit”button.
When you tap“Edit, this pop-up will beappeared. Tag name can’t be changed here.You can select an icon for the folder.
- When you tap List, move to“Note List”window. You can edit the note.
When you tap the folder with 0 note,this pop-up will be appeared.
Tap“Delete”to delete the folder. This is how you delete an empty folder.
- *How to delete a folder with notes*1) First delete notes in the folder.2) Tap a folder.3) Tap“List”.4) Tap the content of the note.5) Tap “Edit” in Add Note window.6) Tap “Del” button to delete the note.7) Repeat this action until you delete all the notes.8) Then you tap again the folder (empty).9) Tap Delete button to delete.
Tap“Search”tag. Move to“Search”window.
Tag: Enter a tag name.
Tap this plus button when you want to search with multiple tag names.
Content: When you want to search note with content, enter key words here.
Star: Search notes with star.On: Search with star.Off: Search notes which has no star.None: Search regardless of the star.
Icon: Search with the icon.
Check: Search notes with tick.
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