Home | Applications | ColorCalendar
ColorCalendar is a very simple app that you can add 4 colors on a date and can manage your shifts!
Tap the screen under the selected date, then a keyboard will be displayed. You can save notes and memos to manage your plans of the day!
Just press Add button ( Plus Button ) and select a color and where you want to display it on a date. *☓ button is 「Close」button.
No modifications so far.
❶ 「Mail」:Send the calendar as an image by email.
❷ 「Password」:Set a password.
❸ 「Setting」:Set start week and vibration etc...
❹ 「Backup」:
-----Import SD card: Import data from SD card.
-----Export SD card: Export data to SD card.
Click the link below to download ColorCalendar from your mobile.(To download ColorCalendar, open our website with your mobile and tap the right link.) ColorCalendar ColorCalendar Free
Click QR cord below. The link to the Android market will be sent your mobile.Tap the QR cord if you visit our website with your mobile.
ColorCalendar Free