chown -R httpd:httpd egroupware
create database egroupware grant all on egroupware.* to egroupware@localhost identified by 'password';
mysql Error: 1071 (Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes)
CREATE TABLE phpgw_lang (lang varchar(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', app_name varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'common', me ssage_id varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', content text, PRIMARY KEY(lang,app_name,message_id(200)));
Checking the eGroupWare Installation* Passed Checking required PHP version 4.3+ (recommended 5.0)*: 4.3.11 ==> True* Passed Checking php.ini*: safe_mode = Off: ini_get('safe_mode')='' = Off Passed Checking php.ini*: magic_quotes_runtime = Off: ini_get('magic_quotes_runtime')='0' = Off Passed Checking php.ini*: register_globals = Off: ini_get('register_globals')='0' = Off Passed Checking php.ini*: memory_limit >= 16M: ini_get('memory_limit')='' Passed Checking php.ini*: max_execution_time >= 30: ini_get('max_execution_time')='60' Passed Checking php.ini*: file_uploads = On: ini_get('file_uploads')='1' = On Passed Checking php.ini*: include_path contain* .: ini_get('include_path')='.:/usr/local/php:/usr/local/lib/php' Passed Checking extension mysql is loaded or loadable*: True* Passed Checking extension pgsql is loaded or loadable*: True* Warning Checking extension odbc is loaded or loadable*: False* The odbc extension is needed, if you plan to use a MaxDB, MsSQL or Oracle database.* Warning Checking extension oci8 is loaded or loadable*: False* The oci extension is needed, if you plan to use a Oracle database.* Passed Checking extension mbstring is loaded or loadable*: True* Passed Checking php.ini*: mbstring.func_overload = 7: ini_get('mbstring.func_overload')='7' Passed Checking extension imap is loaded or loadable*: True* Passed Checking extension session is loaded or loadable*: True* Passed Checking PEAR is installed*: True* Passed Checking PEAR::Log is installed*: True* Passed Checking for GD support...*: True* Passed Checking file-permissions of . for not* world writable*: http/root drwxrwxr-x*
pear install Log
Blocked, too many attempts*
Checking php.ini*: safe_mode = Off: ini_get('safe_mode')='1' = On